Moses Molelekwa Review in The Citizen

Molelekwa might be the greatest pianist you have never heard. Hotep, while he was here, listened to Darkness Pass and described him as the "Sotho Keith Jarrett," which I thought was an interesting insight.
The album is solo piano, and filled with languid, slowly unfolding melodic masterworks. Some might feel the album lacks fire and power (a la Molelekwa's masterwork Genes and Spirits), but I find that point irrelevant. It is such rich music, so beautifully understated, that I don't find myself wanting for pianistic fireworks on this album.
You can buy it here.
Moses could certainly "part" the notes on any piano. A great South African piano maestro who died so tragic and way too young. Rest in peace Molelekwa!
Hotep Idris Galeta
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