Sathima Turns 71, Duke Ellington Returns
Sathima turns 71 on October 17, and we'll be giving her a birthday party/concert at Sweet Rhythm. Onaje Allan Gumbs, Marcus McLaurine, and George Gray are going to perform with her, and you can reserve your table/seats/peace of mind by calling Sweet Rhythm at 212-255-3626, or going to their website.
Also, on October 16, we will make available for download (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! WHOO!!!) Sathima's album with Duke Ellington, Abdullah Ibrahim, and Billy Strayhorn...called A Morning in Paris. It was recorded in 1963, thought to be lost, and then resurfaced in the 90s. We are reissuing it with new artwork, new liner notes (featuring the writing stylings of Sathima, of Professor Sherrie Tucker, and of me), etc...the CD itself will be available on January 22.
However, for those of you who don't want to wait (which should be all of you, as a side note), come to Sathima's show on October 17, because we will have advance copies available for sale. It will be that magical. Really.
Here is the story of how A Morning in Paris came to be, for the interested.
I could keep talking (writing), but instead, we'll turn things over to Sathima. She wrote this piece for the album, discussing that day in 1963.
'My first thoughts on writing this were how impossible it would be to describe the experience of recording "A Morning in Paris" in February 1963 with the three most magnificent pianists a singer could ever dream of working with. I will try to convey my thoughts, forty-four years later on this, my most magical musical moment of my career as a jazz singer.
To be in the studio with Duke Ellington, Billy Strayhorn, and Abdullah Ibrahim at the young age of 23, was absolutely awesome and thrilling. To say I was nervous is an understatement.
Billy Strayhorn (it was my first time meeting him that morning) was the sweetest person you could ever meet. No wonder he was called "Sweet Pea." Ellington looked happy and relaxed, walked straight into the recording booth with the wonderful engineer Gerhard Lehner, and let us know that he was "the producer."
Me, being shy and introverted was lovingly and gently coaxed by Duke's generosity and enthusiasm to be the best

I have been blessed beyond words, to have Duke Ellington, Billy Strayhorn, and Abdullah Ibrahim as my accompanists that "Morning in Paris." Their input in my musical career empowers me forever. I must continue to improve and excel in my career as a jazz singer.
When Ellington brought me to New York City he said to me, "You have talent and imagination - use it in your song and survive." I remember those words and continue to fly under his protective musical wings.'
Sathima's website is here.